GSWF je popredný výrobca vysokokvalitných PPF fólií, ktoré sú navrhnuté na ochranu vozidiel pred vonkajšími vplyvmi, ako sú škrabance, kamienky a UV žiarenie. GSWF fólie sú známe svojou inovatívnou technológiou samoliečenia, ktorá umožňuje, aby sa drobné škrabance automaticky zacelili pod vplyvom tepla, čo zabezpečuje dlhodobý a esteticky atraktívny vzhľad vozidla.
GSWF PLATINUM PPF paint protection film, glossy, clear
Premium PPF film GSWF PLATINUM for vehicle paint protection. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), ...
GSWF MATTE PPF paint protection film, matte
The GSWF MATTE premium PPF film is the ultimate solution for protecting your vehicle's paintwork. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), this ...
GSWF SATIN PPF paint protection film, glossy, satin
The GSWF SATIN premium PPF film is the ultimate solution for protecting your vehicle's paintwork. Made from highly ...
GSWF ULTIMATE PPF paint protection film, glossy, clear
Premium PPF film GSWF ULTIMATE for vehicle paint protection. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), ...
GSWF BLACK PPF paint protection film, glossy, black
The GSWF BLACK PPF film aesthetically transforms the vehicle's paint color to a glossy black finish while providing ...