Bluetooth authorisation module for Keetec BLADE
Keetec RF SMART BT is an additional module to the BLADE Keetec car alarm, which serves for comfortable user authorization using a mobile phone...
Bluetooth authorisation module for Keetec BLADE
Keetec RF SMART BT is an additional module to the BLADE Keetec car alarm, which serves for comfortable user authorization using a mobile phone...
Bluetooth authorisation module for Keetec BLADE
Keetec RF SMART BT is an additional module to the BLADE Keetec car alarm, which serves for comfortable user authorization using a mobile phone...
Bluetooth authorisation module for Keetec BLADE
Keetec RF SMART BT is an additional module to the BLADE Keetec car alarm, which serves for comfortable user authorization using a mobile phone...
Nanokeramická impregnácia pre solárne panely
Vitajte v budúcnosti solárnej energie s nanokeramickou impregnáciou pre vaše solárne panely. Revolučná technológia poskytuje výnimočnú ochranu...
Vianočné otváracie hodiny
V priebehu tohtoročných vianočných sviatkov a na prelome roka budú naše pobočky zatvorené v období od 23. 12. 2023 do 1. 1. 2024...
New features for Keetec Blade
Based on market requirements, we have upgraded the Keetec BLADE system with practical innovations for an advanced level of vehicle security.
Keetec RIDER
Unique immobilizer engineered for effective blocking of START/STOP button or any low current circuits in modern vehicles like automatic...
Ako chrániť svoje vozidlo pred vtáčím trusom?
Zamysleli ste sa niekedy nad vplyvom vtáčieho trusu na vaše auto? Je to zdanlivo triviálna záležitosť, ale vtáčí trus môže spôsobiť...
Pražská pobočka je na novej adrese
Naše pôsobenie na Hostivarskej ulici skončilo a od pondelka 27. 3. 2023 je zákazníkom k dispozícii úplne nová pobočka na adrese Vinohradská...
Keetec BLADE
The KEETEC BLADE takes the installation of CAN BUS car alarms to a new level. Innovations significantly speed up fitting and bring also a number...
Super Wide Angle Vehicle Cameras
With a real angle of view of 190°, the BC UNI-WIDE can also look around the corner. This makes it an ideal solution for vehicles such as vans...
Make sure you know where you reversing
AHD Wireless camera / 7" monitor mobile set, supporting up to four cameras to connect, simultaneous multiple view.
Our latest immobilizer KEETEC TS IMO will ensure you that you will always find your vehicle where you parked it.