TSS Group ako dlhodobo Zlatý partner spoločnosti ZKTeco, ale aj mnoho zákazníkov úspešne integrovalo výrobky do svojich riešení, vďaka dostupnosti integračnej dokumentácie a vďaka tomu portfólio prerastá bežné použitie v prístupových systémoch
Pod značkou ZKTeco v ponuke nájdete:
- prístupové systémy
- pokročilé biometrické technológie
- autonómne čítačky
- All-in-one riešenia
ZKTeco Europe, vznikla ako samostatná pobočka spoločnosti ZKTeco Co. Ltd. Dongguan, China, celosvetový dodávateľ a vývojár s orientáciou na prístupové systémy a pokročilé biometrické technológie. Portfólio zahŕňa širokú ponuku riešení od jednoduchých autonómnych čítačiek až po all-in-one riešenie a integrácie pokročilých biometrických technológii ako je face recognition, čítanie krvného riečiska alebo bezkontaktné čítanie dlane.
ZKTeco zamestnáva celosvetovo viac ako 3,500 zamestnancov, z toho viac ako 1,000 pracuje ako výskum a vývoj. Získalo viacero patentov, zahŕňajúcich unikátne čítanie odtlačkov prstov certifikovaných aj americkým FBI, čítaniu tváre, krvného riečiska, odtlačku dlane ako aj bezkontaktnému čítaniu dlane, vďaka umelej inteligencii zariadenia. Na našom trhu je značka úspešná vďaka vyhlásenej kvalite, výkonu, inovácii a spoľahlivosti zariadení.
High-end Produktová rada od ZKTECO orientovaná na projekty prináša inovatívne a jedinečné prvky prístupových systémov ako napríklad čítačky odtlačku, ktoré môžete nechať na slnku, čítanie dlane ruky bezkontaktne, meranie teploty cez zariadenia ProfaceX , ovládanie výťahov a celú radu ProID čítačiek pre všetky kontroléry s rozhraním Wiegand. Komunikačný protokol PUSH HTTPS zabezpečuje rýchlu, stabilnú a bezpečnú komunikáciu zariadení so serverom.
Podobne ako v nižšej rade tu nájdeme kontroléry na vetvenú štruktúru systému po TCP/IP a spolu s All-in-one softvérom BioSecurity systém zvládne až 2000 dverí, 30.000 užívateľov. Celý software čerpá informácie zo zabezpečenej Postgre SQL, vie sa prepojiť s kamerovým systémom, ponúka správu cez mobilný telefón, dokáže posielať maily o udalostiach a ako web-rozhranie ponúka možnosť simultánnej práce viacerým operátorom zároveň.
CP85 PRO Module for wireless connection Carplay AndroidAuto
Universal adapter for wireless connection of Apple CarPlay/Android Auto OEM wired. OEM control of the supported ...
SBS-2 Lane Change Assist System, Blind spot
New and improved 2nd generation of Blind Spot Detection System, with max. range of 30 meters. The system reduces the probability of a fatal accident caused while ...
C40 Mobile CCTV, Ai BSD, 4ch AHD 720p recording, 10" touch screen
Mobile 4-channel video recorder built-in the 10" touch screen monitor, with continuous ...
C20 Recording system, CCTV kit, 2x camera and monitor 7"
Mobile universal 2-channel video recorder built-in the 7" monitor, with continuous recording function. The system ...
L07 Monitor10" AppleCarPlay AndroidAuto mirroring, 2K+FHD DVR
The touchscreen monitor 10" mirrors your phone's Apple CarPlay / AndroidAuto wirelessly and ...
TFT M05 Monitor 5" 2ch RCA 12V
TFT car monitor with a diagonal of 5.0'' designed to display the image from the AV signal in the car. Monitor includes two AV inputs and 2 types of holders.
TFT7A4 Monitor 7" 4ch 4split 4PIN 12/24V
Monitor 7" for vehicles, supporting up to four cameras to connect, simultaneous multiple view, M12 4PIN screw plugs, 800x480 resolution, for 12/24V on-board ...
TFT7HDW Monitor 7" wireless set, 4ch 4split 12/24V
AHD Wireless camera 720p / monitor 7" mobile set - camera with IR LEDs, monitor 1024x600 resolution, supporting up to ...
TFT10HD4 Monitor 10" AHD 4ch 4split 4PIN 12/24V
AHD Monitor 10" for vehicles, supporting up to four cameras to connect, simultaneous multiple split view, M12 4PIN screw ...
TFT7A2 Monitor 7" 2ch 4PIN 12/24V
Monitor 7" for vehicles, supporting two cameras to connect, simultaneous viewing of only one camera, M12 4PIN screw connectors, 800x480 resolution, for vehicles ...
TFT7HD2 Monitor 7" AHD 2ch 2split 4PIN 12/24V
AHD Monitor for vehicles with a diagonal of 7", up to two cameras to connect, allows simultaneous multiple display of ...
CAM2HD Camera mobile AHD on top rear 4PIN auto IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ...
BC VW-CADDY2 Rearview camera in brakelight (2020-)
Parking camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear door for VW Caddy (2020-) vans.
HP-IR2 Headphones wireless
Wireless IR stereo headphones for multimedia monitors (if IR compatible), 2 channels allow the simultaneous connection of two headphones each to another monitor, black-gray design.
BC UNI-11 Mini camera, RCA, 800TVL, 128°
Universal parking camera with 128° view angle for horizontal or vertical installation, the option to turn on/off the guide lines, mirror image, installation in a ...
BC UNI-10 Mini camera, RCA, 800TVL, 155°
Universal parking camera with 155° view angle for horizontal or vertical installation, the option to turn on/off the guide lines, mirror image, installation in a ...
BC UNI-13 Mini camera, RCA, 800TVL, 155°
Universal parking camera with 155° view angle for horizontal or vertical installation, the option to turn on/off the guide lines, mirror image, installation in a ...
BC UNI-12 Micro camera, RCA, 800TVL, 12mm, 125°
Universal micro parking camera with a 125° view angle for horizontal installation. The option to turn on/off the guide ...
BC UNI-BRAKE Brake light camera universal 700TVL, 140°
Universal parking camera in the central brake light integrated, designed for vans, caravans and motorhomes.
BC UNI-14 Camera with U holder, RCA, 800TVL, 105°, white
Universal white color camera with 105° (horizontal) view angle for vans and commercial vehicles 12/24V, the option to ...
BC CIT-03 Rearview camera in brake light
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for vans Peugeot, Fiat, Citroen.
BC PGT-EXPERT Rearview camera in brake light
Parking camera integrated in the central brake lightinstalled above the rear wing doors for Peugeot Expert, Citroen Space Tourer, Toyota ProAce vans. Camera with ...
BC VW-07 Rearview camera in brake light
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Mercedes and VW vans.
CAM1 Camera analog 4PIN auto IR 12-24V
Camera for vehicles analogue, with auto IR, to display on analogue or AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as front or ...
BC FORD-07 Rearview camera in brakelight
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Ford vans.
BC PGT-PARTNER Rearview camera in-brake light
OEM color parking camera integrated in the central brake light for Peugeot Partner and Citroen Berlingo (08-18)
BC REN-03 Rearview camera in brake light
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Renault Trafic (14->), Opel Vivaro (14->).
BC UNI-06 Camera analog RCA auto IR 12V-24V
Rearview camera universal 12V / 24V, without guide lines, view angle of 110° with automatic IR illumination, metal body.
BC UNI-WIDE AHD Mini camera 1080p AHD, 180°
Universal miniature parking camera with 180° view angle, with FullHD resolution 1080p - AHD signal, use as a rearview camera in the licence plate space, or as a ...
BC PGT-BOXER Rearview camera in-brake light
OEM color rearview camera integrated in the central brake light cover glass for Jumper, Boxer, Ducato (06-) cars.
BC UNI-WIDE Mini camera analogue 190° RCA 12-24V
Universal miniature parking camera with the view angle of 190°, for outdoor installation IP69K, with a resolution of ...
BC FORD CUSTOM16 Camera in brake light
OEM rear view parking camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Ford Transit Custom vans (V362) (16-).
CAM7 Camera analog 190° 12-24V
Universal miniature parking camera with the view angle of 190°, for outdoor installation IP69K, with a resolution of 800TVL, use as a rearview or front camera, ...
CAM4 Camera analog, rod mounting 4PIN auto IR
Universal camera designed for on round rod installation, or on a flat surface installation, with automatic IR LEDs.
CAMHDW Camera mobile wireless AHD auto IR 12-24V
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on TFT7HDW monitor, powered locally in the place of installation, ...
CAM5HD Camera mobile to side AHD, 4PIN, auto IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ...
CAM4HD Camera mobile AHD 4PIN auto shutter-heating-IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ...
CAM3HD Camera mobile AHD 4PIN auto heating-IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as front or rear, or into ...
CAM2 Camera analog on top rear 4PIN auto IR
Camera for vehicles analogue, with auto IR, to display on analogue or AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as rear on the ...
CAM1HD Camera AHD 4PIN auto IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as front or rear, or into cargo area, because of the metal body and vibration resistance determined to use ...