TSS Group ako dlhodobo Zlatý partner spoločnosti ZKTeco, ale aj mnoho zákazníkov úspešne integrovalo výrobky do svojich riešení, vďaka dostupnosti integračnej dokumentácie a vďaka tomu portfólio prerastá bežné použitie v prístupových systémoch
Pod značkou ZKTeco v ponuke nájdete:
- prístupové systémy
- pokročilé biometrické technológie
- autonómne čítačky
- All-in-one riešenia
ZKTeco Europe, vznikla ako samostatná pobočka spoločnosti ZKTeco Co. Ltd. Dongguan, China, celosvetový dodávateľ a vývojár s orientáciou na prístupové systémy a pokročilé biometrické technológie. Portfólio zahŕňa širokú ponuku riešení od jednoduchých autonómnych čítačiek až po all-in-one riešenie a integrácie pokročilých biometrických technológii ako je face recognition, čítanie krvného riečiska alebo bezkontaktné čítanie dlane.
ZKTeco zamestnáva celosvetovo viac ako 3,500 zamestnancov, z toho viac ako 1,000 pracuje ako výskum a vývoj. Získalo viacero patentov, zahŕňajúcich unikátne čítanie odtlačkov prstov certifikovaných aj americkým FBI, čítaniu tváre, krvného riečiska, odtlačku dlane ako aj bezkontaktnému čítaniu dlane, vďaka umelej inteligencii zariadenia. Na našom trhu je značka úspešná vďaka vyhlásenej kvalite, výkonu, inovácii a spoľahlivosti zariadení.
High-end Produktová rada od ZKTECO orientovaná na projekty prináša inovatívne a jedinečné prvky prístupových systémov ako napríklad čítačky odtlačku, ktoré môžete nechať na slnku, čítanie dlane ruky bezkontaktne, meranie teploty cez zariadenia ProfaceX , ovládanie výťahov a celú radu ProID čítačiek pre všetky kontroléry s rozhraním Wiegand. Komunikačný protokol PUSH HTTPS zabezpečuje rýchlu, stabilnú a bezpečnú komunikáciu zariadení so serverom.
Podobne ako v nižšej rade tu nájdeme kontroléry na vetvenú štruktúru systému po TCP/IP a spolu s All-in-one softvérom BioSecurity systém zvládne až 2000 dverí, 30.000 užívateľov. Celý software čerpá informácie zo zabezpečenej Postgre SQL, vie sa prepojiť s kamerovým systémom, ponúka správu cez mobilný telefón, dokáže posielať maily o udalostiach a ako web-rozhranie ponúka možnosť simultánnej práce viacerým operátorom zároveň.
CP85 PRO Module for wireless connection Carplay AndroidAuto
Universal adapter for wireless connection of Apple CarPlay/Android Auto OEM wired. OEM control of the supported ...
SBS-2 Lane Change Assist System, Blind spot
New and improved 2nd generation of Blind Spot Detection System, with max. range of 30 meters. The system reduces the probability of a fatal accident caused while ...
C40 Mobile CCTV, Ai BSD, 4ch AHD 720p recording, 10" touch screen
Mobile 4-channel video recorder built-in the 10" touch screen monitor, with continuous ...
C20 Recording system, CCTV kit, 2x camera and monitor 7"
Mobile universal 2-channel video recorder built-in the 7" monitor, with continuous recording function. The system ...
L07 Monitor10" AppleCarPlay AndroidAuto mirroring, 2K+FHD DVR
The touchscreen monitor 10" mirrors your phone's Apple CarPlay / AndroidAuto wirelessly and ...
TFT M05 Monitor 5" 2ch RCA 12V
TFT car monitor with a diagonal of 5.0'' designed to display the image from the AV signal in the car. Monitor includes two AV inputs and 2 types of holders.
TFT7A4 Monitor 7" 4ch 4split 4PIN 12/24V
Monitor 7" for vehicles, supporting up to four cameras to connect, simultaneous multiple view, M12 4PIN screw plugs, 800x480 resolution, for 12/24V on-board ...
TFT7HDW Monitor 7" wireless set, 4ch 4split 12/24V
AHD Wireless camera 720p / monitor 7" mobile set - camera with IR LEDs, monitor 1024x600 resolution, supporting up to ...
TFT10HD4 Monitor 10" AHD 4ch 4split 4PIN 12/24V
AHD Monitor 10" for vehicles, supporting up to four cameras to connect, simultaneous multiple split view, M12 4PIN screw ...
TFT7A2 Monitor 7" 2ch 4PIN 12/24V
Monitor 7" for vehicles, supporting two cameras to connect, simultaneous viewing of only one camera, M12 4PIN screw connectors, 800x480 resolution, for vehicles ...
TFT7HD2 Monitor 7" AHD 2ch 2split 4PIN 12/24V
AHD Monitor for vehicles with a diagonal of 7", up to two cameras to connect, allows simultaneous multiple display of ...
CAM2HD Camera mobile AHD on top rear 4PIN auto IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ...
BC VW-CADDY2 Rearview camera in brakelight (2020-)
Parking camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear door for VW Caddy (2020-) vans.
HP-IR2 Headphones wireless
Wireless IR stereo headphones for multimedia monitors (if IR compatible), 2 channels allow the simultaneous connection of two headphones each to another monitor, black-gray design.
BC UNI-11 Mini camera, RCA, 800TVL, 128°
Universal parking camera with 128° view angle for horizontal or vertical installation, the option to turn on/off the guide lines, mirror image, installation in a ...
BC UNI-10 Mini camera, RCA, 800TVL, 155°
Universal parking camera with 155° view angle for horizontal or vertical installation, the option to turn on/off the guide lines, mirror image, installation in a ...
BC UNI-13 Mini camera, RCA, 800TVL, 155°
Universal parking camera with 155° view angle for horizontal or vertical installation, the option to turn on/off the guide lines, mirror image, installation in a ...
BC UNI-12 Micro camera, RCA, 800TVL, 12mm, 125°
Universal micro parking camera with a 125° view angle for horizontal installation. The option to turn on/off the guide ...
BC UNI-BRAKE Brake light camera universal 700TVL, 140°
Universal parking camera in the central brake light integrated, designed for vans, caravans and motorhomes.
BC UNI-14 Camera with U holder, RCA, 800TVL, 105°, white
Universal white color camera with 105° (horizontal) view angle for vans and commercial vehicles 12/24V, the option to ...
BC CIT-03 Rearview camera in brake light
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for vans Peugeot, Fiat, Citroen.
BC PGT-EXPERT Rearview camera in brake light
Parking camera integrated in the central brake lightinstalled above the rear wing doors for Peugeot Expert, Citroen Space Tourer, Toyota ProAce vans. Camera with ...
BC VW-07 Rearview camera in brake light
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Mercedes and VW vans.
CAM1 Camera analog 4PIN auto IR 12-24V
Camera for vehicles analogue, with auto IR, to display on analogue or AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as front or ...
BC FORD-07 Rearview camera in brakelight
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Ford vans.
BC PGT-PARTNER Rearview camera in-brake light
OEM color parking camera integrated in the central brake light for Peugeot Partner and Citroen Berlingo (08-18)
BC REN-03 Rearview camera in brake light
CCD rear view camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Renault Trafic (14->), Opel Vivaro (14->).
BC UNI-06 Camera analog RCA auto IR 12V-24V
Rearview camera universal 12V / 24V, without guide lines, view angle of 110° with automatic IR illumination, metal body.
BC UNI-WIDE AHD Mini camera 1080p AHD, 180°
Universal miniature parking camera with 180° view angle, with FullHD resolution 1080p - AHD signal, use as a rearview camera in the licence plate space, or as a ...
BC PGT-BOXER Rearview camera in-brake light
OEM color rearview camera integrated in the central brake light cover glass for Jumper, Boxer, Ducato (06-) cars.
BC UNI-WIDE Mini camera analogue 190° RCA 12-24V
Universal miniature parking camera with the view angle of 190°, for outdoor installation IP69K, with a resolution of ...
BC FORD CUSTOM16 Camera in brake light
OEM rear view parking camera integrated in the central brake light installed above the rear hinged doors for Ford Transit Custom vans (V362) (16-).
CAM7 Camera analog 190° 12-24V
Universal miniature parking camera with the view angle of 190°, for outdoor installation IP69K, with a resolution of 800TVL, use as a rearview or front camera, ...
CAM4 Camera analog, rod mounting 4PIN auto IR
Universal camera designed for on round rod installation, or on a flat surface installation, with automatic IR LEDs.
CAMHDW Camera mobile wireless AHD auto IR 12-24V
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on TFT7HDW monitor, powered locally in the place of installation, ...
CAM5HD Camera mobile to side AHD, 4PIN, auto IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ...
CAM4HD Camera mobile AHD 4PIN auto shutter-heating-IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ...
CAM3HD Camera mobile AHD 4PIN auto heating-IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as front or rear, or into ...
CAM2 Camera analog on top rear 4PIN auto IR
Camera for vehicles analogue, with auto IR, to display on analogue or AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as rear on the ...
CAM1HD Camera AHD 4PIN auto IR
AHD Camera 720p for vehicles, with auto IR, to display on AHD monitor, powered from monitor via M12 4PIN screw plugs, ideal to install as front or rear, or into cargo area, because of the metal body and vibration resistance determined to use ...
BC UNI-04 Rearview camera analog RCA
Rear view camera universal, with guide lines option to turn on, PC1030 chip, view angle 160°, installed in the drilled hole.
BC UNI-18.5 IR Camera analog RCA auto IR
Universal parking camera with automatic IR LED, option to turn on/off the guiding lines and mirror image, 100° angle view, 18,5mm in diameter.
GSWF PLATINUM PPF paint protection film, glossy, clear
Premium PPF film GSWF PLATINUM for vehicle paint protection. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), ...
BC PLATE Camera analog RCA in licence plate
Rearview camera universal, integrated in licence plate pad, possible to adjust the camera view direction, view angle of 170°.
BC UNI-FLAT AHD Rearview camera 1080p AHD, 150°
Universal parking camera, FullHD resolution 1080p - AHD signal, can be used as a front camera without guide lines or a ...
BC UNI-FLAT Rearview camera analog RCA
Universal parking camera of flat design, the possibility to use as a front camera without guide lines or parking cameras with guide lines, 130° angle of view, ...
BC SPHERE Camera mini analog RCA
Rear view camera universal, mini size, option to set as front/rear camera, to switch the guide lines on/off, 140° view angle, installation in the licence plate ...
BC UNI-09 Camera analog RCA auto IR 12-24V
Rearview camera universal, 12V/24V, SONY CCD sensor, without guide lines, view angle of 150°, with automatic IR LEDs, metal body.
BC MINI Camera analog RCA 12-24V
Rearview camera of small size, 12V / 24V, with on/off guide lines function, view angle of 170°, metal body.
M12 flexi Cabeling flexible for up to 3 cameras
Flexible cabling allows you to connect up to 3 cameras with a monitor reliably when installed on mutually moving ...
GSWF MATTE PPF paint protection film, matte
The GSWF MATTE premium PPF film is the ultimate solution for protecting your vehicle's paintwork. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), this ...
GSWF SATIN PPF paint protection film, glossy, satin
The GSWF SATIN premium PPF film is the ultimate solution for protecting your vehicle's paintwork. Made from highly ...
BENE 404 Parking assistant accoustic
Rear parking assistant BENE with 4 sensors 20mm and buzzer. The system is activated by reverse gear and indicated accoustic signal which inform the driver about ...
BENE 414 Parking assistant with LED display, 4 sensors
Rear parking assistant BENE with 4 sensors 20mm and buzzer. The system is activated by reverse gear and indicated by ...
Keetec BS 420 parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Keetec BS 420 OEM parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black adjustable flush sensors 16mm and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars ...
Keetec BS 420 IB parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black flush sensors 16mm and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with ...
KEETEC BLADE CONTROL car alarm with connection to CAN BUS with additional authorization
Keetec BLADE CONTROL car alarm is suitable for vehicles with 12/24V on-board ...
KEETEC BLADE car alarm with connection to CAN BUS
Keetec BLADE car alarm is suitable for vehicles with 12/24V circuits. The BLADE uses original car key to control the ...
Keetec BS 420 W parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 white sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Keetec BS 420 S parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Keetec GPS Sniper Max
The Keetec GPS Sniper Max is a security device to secure the vehicle and verify its current position and condition. In case of triggered alarm the system informs the owner by a voice call and SMS about the status of the vehicle and its current ...
MH1230 Multimedia touch screen monitor 12.3" Android10
The slim design multimedia touch screen monitor (3GB+16GB, 8K video), with Android 10 system, with a diagonal of 12.3", ...
Keetec SNIPER MAX CONTROL GPS vehicle security
The Sniper Max Control is designed for advanced vehicle security, verification of its current status and GPS position. ...
BC SKO-11 Rearview camera Škoda Audi
OEM color parking camera for installation into the rear door handle of the luggage compartment. It includes a microswitch for opening the door. For Škoda ...
Pandora CAMPER PRO v2 alarm system for caravans
Pandora CAMPER PRO is a premium security system developed for caravans and motorhomes. Thanks to the connection to the ...
Pandora ELITE two-way GSM/GPS car alarm
Pandora ELITE is an elite car alarm, which was developed to provide the highest level of vehicle protection. Thanks to modern communication interfaces such as ...
Pandora ELITE GSM car alarm
Pandora ELITE is the market leader in car alarms and has been developed for the highest level of vehicle security. The system allows communication via modern interfaces (GSM-4G LTE, GPRS, RF 868 MHz-LoRa and Bluetooth 5.0) to achieve continuous ...
Pandora PROFESSIONAL GSM car alarm
Pandora PROFESSIONAL v3 was developed for the highest level of vehicle security. The system combines all available communication interfaces (GSM-4G LTE, GPRS, RF ...
BC SUZ-12 Rearview camera Swift S-Cross
OEM color parking camera for installation into the original opening for the parking camera. For Suzuki Swift, Grand Vitara, SX4 S-Cross cars.
Pandora TRUCK GSM/GPS car alarm for trucks
Pandora TRUCK GSM / GPS car alarm for trucks and machines with on-board voltage 24V. The system allows communication via modern interfaces (GSM-4G LTE, GPRS, RF ...
Pandora PROFESSIONAL v2 was developed for the highest level of vehicle security. The system combines all available communication interfaces (GSM, GPRS, RF 868 MHz, and Bluetooth 4.2) to achieve continuous control on the vehicle.
Pandora SMART PRO GSM car alarm
Pandora SMART PRO is the latest generation of GSM car alarms to protect the vehicle against unauthorized use. The built-in 4G LTE modem in cooperation with the ...
BC VW-14 Rearview camera VW Škoda Seat
OEM colour parking camera to install into the rear licence plate light body. There is a special place in the camera body assigned for the light bulb replaced from ...
Pandora SMART GSM car alarm
Pandora SMART is an ultimate OEM key solution with an immobilizer RF tag and newest GSM/GPS modem for smartphone integration. Providing all the benefits of Pandora advanced security and remote start of the lower grade systems, it also ...
Pandora PRIMO car alarm
Pandora PRIMO is an upgraded car alarm with Bluetooth 5.0. wireless technology controlled by smartphone app. The latest generation 3D acceleration chip for vehicle tilt, shock and motion detection. 2x CAN bus connection, the system can be used ...
BC BMW-11 Rearview camera X3 X5 X6
OEM color parking camera for installation into the original opening for the parking camera. For Mercedes BMW X3 (E83), X5 (E70), X6 (E71/72) cars.
Pandora LIGHT PRO CAN BUS car alarm
Pandora LIGHT PRO – is a premium car service-security system, built for cars with on-board voltage of 12V. It is a complex engineering solution which includes car ...
Pandora LIGHT v3 CAN BUS car alarm
Pandora LIGHT is an all-around convenient car security, remote start and telemetry system. It has a dialogue encrypted 2-way OLED remote that allows monitoring ...
Steelmate PTS410M5-F front parking assistant
Front parking assistant Steelmate with LED display M5 two-colour diodes, includes new control unit that allows you to adjust the sensitivity in 2 levels, and to ...
Keetec Mistral Max2 car alarm
Keetec Mistral Max2 – new version of car alarm – it includes 2 pcs of remote controls, one zone shock sensor, relay output for central locking and trunk release, two AUX output, security loop, programming by PC and other features increased the ...
Steelmate PTS810V10 BTI parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with 8 black flush sensors 16mm, with only one control unit, designed for installation in the front and rear bumper, with V10 LCD ...
SONY XAV1550D.EUR Headunit 2DIN with phone mirroring
Sony 6.2" touchscreen multimedia head unit with Weblink function allows to mirror the phone display on the radio screen ...
SONY XANV400.EUR navigation module
Navigation module with TomTom navigation (offline), designed to connect to Sony head units XAVW651BT.EUR or to XAVV631BT.EUR.
Keetec RC SMART BT remote control for the RF SMART BT system
Remote control for the RF SMART BT system.
RC SMART 2 remote control
RC SMART 2 remote control for TS IMO v2, RIDER immobilizer and RF SMART v2 module.
Keetec TS IMO v2 immobilizer
Keetec TS IMO is a contactless immobilizer for professional protection of the vehicle against unauthorized use, designed for vehicles with on-board voltage 12/24V.
Pandora IMMO immobilizer
Pandora Immo is an advanced anti-theft system for vehicles. The system that is designed using high-efficient integrated solutions is convenient, reliable and easy to install. You can use Android smartphone to adjust any settings via Bluetooth. ...
RADAGO GO! ES Portable radar detector for the Spanish market
RADAGO GO! is a small, compact and portable radar detector for the Spanish markets. Using a digital radar antenna, it ...
RADAGO GO! Mobile radar detector
RADAGO GO! is a small, compact and portable radar detector for the european markets. Using a digital radar antenna, it ensures unique radar detection without ...
Keetec BS 410 parking assistant
This product is no longer available for sale, its direct replacement is the BS 420 model. Rear parking system KEETEC with 4 black sensors and buzzer with ...
Steelmate PTS411EX parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Thinkware U3000 2CH Dashcam 4K+2K, WiFi, GPS, BT, microwave sensor, Hotspot
The new Thinkware flagship in a unique design. The 8.42MP optical lens and Sony Exmor STARVIS2 ...
Out of stock
GENEVO PRO II M built-in anti-radar with GPS
GENEVO PRO II M is the newest and most advanced built-in set with a detachable OLED display and reliable Multaradars and GATSO radars detection. With HDM+ Radar ...
Thinkware Q850 Autokamera 2K WiFi GPS BT Hotspot
The new Q850 in a design that won you over. The 5.14MPx optical lens and Sony Exmor STARVIS image sensor deliver ...
In stock
GENEVO PRO II built-in anti-radar with GPS
GENEVO PRO II is the newest and most advanced built-in set with a detachable OLED display and reliable Multaradars and GATSO radars detection.
Thinkware Q200 Dashcam 2K, Wifi, BT
Dash camera and assistance system in a minimalist design. The Omnivision image sensor delivers remarkably clear video quality in 2K resolution. It supports a ...
In stock
Neoline X-COP 9300 S hybrid dash camera
Hybrid dashcam with advanced features and radar detector. Full HD recording offers great person or license plate recognition and the GPS module provides accurate ...
Neoline X-COP 9100S Hybrid dash camera
Hybrid dashcam with advanced features and radar detector. Full HD recording offers great person or license plate recognition and the GPS module provides accurate ...
Pandora NAV-X GSM/GPS interface
Pandora NAV-X is a wireless, compact module designed to extend the Pandora MINI, Pandora PRIMO and LIGHT PRO offline systems with the ability to locate, control ...
DMS 2 SIDE WHITE double-sided sticker
Double-sided adhesive sticker with Pandora logo for DMS-100BT and DMS-100BT WHITE sensors and their use on transparent surfaces.
DMS 2 SIDE BLACK double-sided sticker
Double-sided adhesive sticker with Pandora logo for DMS-100BT and DMS-100BT WHITE sensors and their use on transparent surfaces.
Steelmate PTS411M7 parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black sensors and Display M7. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec BS 410 LED parking assistant
Rear parking system KEETEC with 4 black sensors and LED display with built-in speaker. The system warns user visually, by accoustic signals and by voice alerts. ...
Steelmate PTS411M21 parking assitant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black sensors and Display M21. Antihook function for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Pandora LED/VALET v3 valet button
Valet button with LED indication for Pandora systems.
RJ Speedom control unit of a multifunctional laser system
Speedom is a multifunctional laser system whose primary function is to reliably protect the vehicle against laser ...
SEAT COVER 1 protective seat cover
Universal seat cover with Pandora logo for one seat.
Keetec V D1S-4300 xenon bulb
HID xenon bulb KEETEC, D1S base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 4300K color - white light.
PANDORA POLO SHIRT XXL polo shirt with Pandora logo
Polo shirt with Pandora logo, size XXXL.
PANDORA POLO SHIRT XXL polo shirt with Pandora logo
Polo shirt with Pandora logo, size XXL.
Thinkware F100 2CH Dashcam 2-channels FHD (GPS)
F100 Dash camera is fitted with the Sony Exmor IMX208 picture sensor, 128GB SD card supporting, captures video in Full ...
In stock
Steelmate PTS411M7 BTI parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush sensors 16mm and Display M7. Dual intelligent functions for cars with ...
Keetec V D1S-6000 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D1S base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 6000K color - light blue light.
Isotronic M640 Repellent, 12-24 kHz, blue light, vibration sensor, IP44, batteries included
Universal rodents repeller, effective also against various ...
PANDORA POLO SHIRT XL polo shirt with Pandora logo
Polo shirt with Pandora logo, size XL.
CAL-7132020 Calearo DTT JACK adapter f 3.5mm F m 0.2m
CAL-7132020 DTT JACK adapter f 3.5mm F m 0.2m.
CAL-7132074 Calearo DTT JACK adapter f 3.5mm FAKRA f 0.2m
JACK adapter f 3.5mm FAKRA f 0.2m.
CAL-7132087 Calearo Active signal splitter AM FM DAB
Active signal splitter AM FM DAB.
CAL-7137969 Calearo Antenna TV coupler 4x input 2x output
Antenna TV coupler 4x input 2x output.
CAL-7561014 Calearo Extension cable AM FM FAKRA DIN 9m
Extension cable AM FM FAKRA DIN 9m.
CAL-7562030 Calearo AM FM DAB signal splitter active
AM FM DAB signal splitter active.
CAL-7581068 Calearo Extension cable FAKRA m SMB f 5m
Extension cable FAKRA m SMB f 5m.
CAL-7581012 Calearo Extension cable FAKRA f SMB f 5m
Extension cable FAKRA f SMB f 5m.
CAL-7581175 Calearo Extension cable AM ??FM FAKRA f ISO m 5m
Extension cable AM ??FM FAKRA f ISO m 5m.
CAL-7581185 Calearo Extension cable AM FM FAKRA f DIN m 5m
Extension cable AM FM FAKRA f DIN m 5m.
CAL-7581195 Calearo Extension cable AM FM 2x FAKRA f blue 5m
Extension cable AM FM 2x FAKRA f blue 5m.
Thinkware F70 Dashcam FHD (GPS)
F70 dash cam is fitted with On-Semi AR0237sensor that captures Full HD 1080p video at 30 fr/s, giving you a reliable witness in the event of an accident. Supports ...
In stock
Steelmate PTS411M7 OEM parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush adjustable sensors 16 mm and Display M7. Dual intelligent functions for ...
Steelmate 14D-13 SILVER flushed parking sensor silver
Spare internal flush sensor for Parking Assist Steelmate/Keetec - 16 mm, silver. New design, original look!
Steelmate 14D-17 SILVER flushed parking sensor silver
Spare 16mm flush parking sensor in silver colour for Steelmate/Keetec parking assistants. Original design, adjustable ...
Steelmate 14D-17 flushed parking sensor
Spare 16mm flush parking sensor for Steelmate/Keetec parking assistants. Original design, adjustable sensor for perfect aligment with the bumper.
Steelmate RR04 rubber case for sensor for metal bumper, 4°
Rubber case for 14D-12 parking sensors to install into metal bumper, 4° tilt angle.
Steelmate 14D-12 spare sensor matt
Separate spare parking sensor for Steelmate/Keetec parking assistants.
Keetec V D2S-4300 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D2S base, designed for original xenon headlamps, 4300K.
Steelmate 14S-02C spare parking senror
Spare digital sensor for Parking Assist STEELMATE PD400/PD800 - O20 mm – glossy black
Steelmate TRUCK ADAPTER adapter for parking sensors
Adapter for parking sensors 12B-09 and 14D-12 for surface mount on metal parts of rear bumpers for trucks and commercial ...
Steelmate 14S-01C spare parking sensor matt
Spare digital sensor for Parking Assist STEELMATE - O20 mm
Steelmate 14D-13 flushed parking sensor matt
Spare internal flush sensor for Parking Assist Steelmate/Keetec - 16 mm, matt black. New design, original look!
Steelmate 14D-12 WHITE spare sensor white
Single sensor for Steelmate/Keetec parking assistants, 18.5 mm, white.
Steelmate 14S-33 spare parking sensor
Spare internal flush sensor for Parking Assist STEELMATE - O25 mm, matt black
Steelmate 14D-12 SILVER spare parking sensor silver
Single sensor for Steelmate/Keetec parking assistants, 18.5 mm, silver.
Isotronic M480 Repellent 23 kHz, vibration sensor, Quartz, batteries
Universal 23 kHz ultrasonic rodent repeller. The device emits short high-frequency sounds at ...
Thinkware F70 HW Dashcam FHD, hardwiring
F70 dash cam is fitted with On-Semi AR0237 sensor that captures Full HD 1080p video at 30 frames per second, giving you a reliable witness in the event of an ...
Out of stock
M700 Dashcam rearview mirror, touch screen
Dash camera integrated in the rearview mirror, with a built-in 10" touch screen. The mirror has the 2-channel recording function and at the same time It is a ...
Steelmate PTS411M7 SILVER parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver sensors and Display M7. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec V D2S-6000 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D2S base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 6000K color - light blue light.
Isotronic M632 Repellent, 12-24 kHz, IP54, Quartz, batteries
Universal rodent repeller. The device emits high-frequency sounds at 25-second intervals. The M632 is ideal for ...
PANDORA T-SHIRT XXXL T-shirt with Pandora logo
T-shirt with Pandora logo, size XXXL.
PANDORA T-SHIRT XXL T-shirt with Pandora logo
T-shirt with Pandora logo, size XXL.
Steelmate PTS411M7 WHITE parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 white sensors and Display M7. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec V D2R-4300 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D2R base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 4300K color - white light.
Isotronic M440 Repellent, 12-24 kHz, IP54, Quartz, in car use, 12V
Rodent repeller for in vehicles installation . The device emits short high-frequency sounds at ...
PANDORA T-SHIRT XL T-shirt with Pandora logo
T-shirt with Pandora logo, size XL.
Steelmate PTS411EX BTI parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush sensors 16mm black sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars ...
Keetec V D2R-6000 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D2R base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 6000K color - light blue light.
Keetec CSH 1 carbon seat heater (color box)
Carbon fiber seat heating system KEETEC with dual-zone heating for soothing lower back pain and adding car seat comfort that works with cloth or leather vehicle ...
Steelmate PTS411EX OEM parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush adjustable black sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars ...
AA-786 antenna adapter DIN male Nissan
Antenna adapter for installation with DIN car radio antenna connector
AA-754 antenna adapter DIN male Volvo
Antenna adapter for connection to oem antenna connector of Volvo cars, for radio with DIN antenna socket.
AA-798 antenna adapter DIN male Honda
Antenna adaptor Honda designed for radiounit instalation with DIN antenna conector.
AA-827 antenna adapter ISO Chrysler Chevrolet
Antenna adapter for connection to oem antenna connector ISO, of Chrysler, Chevrolet, Dodge, Jeep cars, for oem radio only.
Keetec V D3S-4300 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D3S base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 4300K color - white light.
AA-731 antenna adapter ISO Toyota Subaru
The antenna adapter for connection to oem antenna connector of Toyota, Subrau cars, for radio with ISO antenna socket.
Isotronic M500 Repellent, adjustable fr. up to 110kHz, warning light, Dual 230V / battery
Universal rodents repeller, effective also against various unwanted animals, ...
PANDORA LP COVER WHITE advertising board with logo for the license plate
Advertising board with the Pandora logo for the license plate, white, 520x110mm.
MY1084-1H Cigarette lighter socket, mounting panel
CL socket waterproof, integrated in the mounting panel.
MY1083 Voltmeter, 6-30V, red LED
The on-board voltmeter is used to prevent battery failures and to check the charging of a vehicle with an on-board voltage of 12/24V. The voltmeter gives you ...
MY1106-1H Charger USB-A 2x with cover, mounting panel
Charger USB-A 2x, 5V, 2.1A, waterresistant, integrated in the mounting panel.
MY1118 Charger USB-A 2x with cover for motorcycles
Charger USB-A 2x, 5V, 2.1A, waterresistant, with a holder for mounting on handlebars or a circular frame. Ideal for ...
MY1121 Extension cable AUX/USB 100cm
AUX/USB extension cable 1 m long, with a socket for fitting into a hole with a diameter of 27 mm.
MYP001 Panel for built-in charger, with one hole
Single hole Housing for the thread housing products (chargers built-in for panel)
Warning stickers ANGLES MORTS - Blind angle, designed for trucks, 3pcs (use: France, England).
Steelmate PTS411EX WHITE parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 white sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Keetec CSH 2 carbon seat heater (color box)
Carbon fiber seat heating system KEETEC with dual-zone heating for soothing lower back pain and adding car seat comfort that works with cloth or leather vehicle ...
Keetec V D3S-6000 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D3S base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 6000K color - light blue light.
Isotronic M624 Repellent, 12-24 kHz, battery-operated
Universal rodent repeller. The device emits high-frequency sounds at 25-second intervals. The M624 is ideal for ...
PANDORA LP COVER BLACK advertising board with logo for the license plate
Advertising board with the Pandora logo for the license plate, black, 520x110mm.
Pandora MOTO EVO GSM/GPS motorcycle alarm with built - in Bluetooth 5.0
Pandora MOTO EVO is the market leader in motorcycle alarm and it provides complete control over ...
TS-001ECU Side indicators module for Blind spot detection
The Module is designed to turn the side detection system on automatically, while the side signal light is turned on (to ...
SEAT HEATER Seat heater spiral
Seat heater kit with thermostat. Small heating pads with high intensity of warmth. No cutting allowed !Can be installed in any vehicle. Pad dimensions: 30 x 13 cm.
Keetec V D4S-6000 xenon bulb
KEETEC HID xenon bulb, D4S base, designed for original xenon headlamps with 6000K color - light blue light.
Isotronic M310 Repellent against mice, martens and rats, 12-24 kHz, 230V
Universal 23 kHz ultrasonic mouse, marten and rat repeller. The device emits short ...
Isotronic M407 Repellent, 12-24 kHz, in car use 12V/24V
Marten repeller for in vehicle installation. The device emits short high-frequency sounds at 3-second intervals. The ...
MY1218 Charger USB-A & USB-C built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Charger USB-A & USB-C built into the panel, 5V, 4.2A with dust and moisture cover.
MY1298 Charger USB-A & USB-C built-in, QC3.0, PD 3.0
Fast Charger USB-A & USB-C (Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0) built into the panel, with dust and moisture cover.
MY1248 Charger USB-A 2x, built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Charger USB-A 2x built into the panel, 5V, 4.2A with a cover against dust and moisture.
MY1236 Charger USB-A 2x, built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Surface mount charger USB-A 2x, with rectangular panel, built-in, 5V, 4.2A with dust and moisture cover.
LS-60-A Speed module for Blind spot detection
The Module is designed to turn the side detection system on automatically, depending on the actual speed of the vehicle. The side detection is thus active at low ...
RM LCD REN2 Rear view mirror 4.3" 2ch, Renault PSA Dacia Mercedes
Rearview mirror with monitor 4.3" integrated, for PSA, Dacia, Mercedes, Renault, VW, Volvo ...
RM LCD VW3 Rear view mirror 4.3" 2ch, Seat, Toyota, VW
Rearview mirror with monitor 4.3" integrated, for VW, Seat, Toyota cars, is used to display the parking camera image and ...
MY1288 Charger USB-A & USB-C built-in, 5V, 4.2A
Surface mount charger USB-A & USB-C, with rectangular panel, built-in, 5V, 4.2A with dust and moisture cover.
SLM 1 car seat air lumbar support and massage
Lumbar seat support with massage function designed for manufacturers of car seats and covers.
Upon request
TCO-47 Switch pulse for Blind spot detection
Module and switch designed for manual deactivation of the external accoustic signalisation of side detection or reversing signaling. It is recommended to turn off ...
RM LCD SK Mirror with display 4.3" 2ch RCA 12V
Rearview mirror with monitor 4.3" integrated, for Škoda, VW, Audi cars, is used to display the parking camera image and ...
Keetec BS 420 LCD S parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver sensors and LCD display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec BS 420 LCD W parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 white sensors and LCD display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec BS 420 LCD OEM parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush adjustable black sensors and LCD display. Dual intelligent functions for cars ...
Keetec BS 420 LCD IB parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush black sensors and LCD display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with ...
MY1084 CL Socket built-in, 12-24V, 20A
CL socket 12-24V with dust and moisture cover, for installation in the panel, used to connect various electrical devices.
SHV 1 car seat heated & ventilated unit
Seat heating and cooling suitable for manufacturers of car seats and covers.
Upon request
Keetec BS 420 LCD parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black sensors and LCD display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
TFT7HD4 Monitor 7" AHD 4ch 4split 4PIN 12/24V
AHD Monitor 7" for vehicles, supporting up to four cameras to connect, simultaneous multiple view, M12 4PIN screw plugs, 1024x600 resolution, for 12/24V on-board ...
Pandora MIC-33 v2 external microphone
The external microphone for the Pandora ELITE car alarm enables remote monitoring of the interior of the vehicle through a telephone call.
KEETECFOL CRYSTAL PPF paint protection film, glossy, clear
PPF film CRYSTAL for vehicle paint protection. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), it features a ...
RADAGO HOLDER 2 magnetic holder for RADAGO GO detector!
Practical magnetic holder for easy and quick attachment of the detector to the windshield, designed for the RADAGO GO! ...
RADAGO HOLDER 1 metal holder with suction cups for RADAGO GO detector!
Metal horizontal glass holder with quality black suction cups, designed for the RADAGO GO ...
RADAGO CAB 4 Basic power cable (without button) for RADAGO GO!
Basic power supply for CL cigarette lighter socket, designed for use with the RADAGO GO! radar ...
RADAGO CAB 5 USB-C data cable for RADAGO GO detector!
USB-C data cable for updating firmware and databases. Length 50 cm, designed for the RADAGO GO! radar detector.
RADAGO CAB 3 Power cable with fuse for RADAGO GO!
Power cable for direct connection to vehicle fuses. Stylish and discreet solution suitable for interior use, designed ...
RADAGO CAB 2 Power cable with USB-C for RADAGO GO detector!
Special USB-C cable designed to power the detector from the USB-C socket in the vehicle, compatible with the RADAGO GO! ...
RADAGO CAB 1 CL power cable with USB for RADAGO GO detector!
Cable for CL 12 V socket equipped with ON/OFF button and USB-A port with 2A output, ideal for charging your phone. ...
TFT MIRROR7 AHD Monitor in the mirror, with holder and glass base
Universal monitor with IPS display of 7" integrated in the rearview mirror, to display the ...
Pandora DMS-105 BT waterproof Bluetooth magnetic sensor for Pandora systems
Pandora DMS-105 BT is a Bluetooth magnetic sensor with a waterproof case, which, thanks to the ...
Pandora D-062 two-way remote control for PROFESSIONAL v3 system
The new Pandora remote control with a modern and ergonomic design is designed for PROFESSIONAL ...
Pandora D-061 two-way remote control for systems controlled by the RFM-470 radio module
The new Pandora remote control with a modern and ergonomic design is designed ...
Pandora ALT-307 Multifunctional auto electrician’s device
Universal multifunctional car electricians tool instrument specially developed for working with vehicle electrical ...
PF-2631 D Plastic frame 2DIN Opel Corsa
Plastic frame 2DIN for Opel Corsa (2017-2019) cars
AA-136 Splitter DAB - DIN
DAB Splitter - DIN Female to DIN Male. With SMB Connector. Allows DAB installation while using the existing vehicle antenna. For non amplified antenna only
SWC BMW 12 Adaptér ovládania na volante BMW
Steering wheel control adapter for BMW 1 / 3 / 5 with active audio system
GSWF ULTIMATE PPF paint protection film, glossy, clear
Premium PPF film GSWF ULTIMATE for vehicle paint protection. Made from highly durable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), ...
Steelmate PTS411M21 OEM SILVER parking assistant
STEELMATE parking assistant with 4 adjustable 16mm silver-colored recessed sensors and an ultra-slim M21 LED display ...
KEETEC RF MAGNET wireless door contact
The wireless sensor for Keetec systems is designed to detect intrusion into a protected area. It can detect the opening of a door, window, boot or roof box by ...
KEETEC RF RECEIVER receiver for wireless sensors
The RF RECEIVER radio receiver is equipped with a connector for easy connection to the Keetec BLADE unit. Up to 10 RF ...
KEETEC RF PIR wireless PIR sensor
The RF PIR wireless infrared motion detector for Keetec systems is designed for remote detection of unauthorized intrusion into the protected space of the ...
Steelmate PTS411EX OEM SILVER parking assistant
STEELMATE parking assistant with 4 adjustable recessed sensors of 16 mm silver color and acoustic signaling, intended ...
BC DAILY Camera for Iveco Daily rectangular brake-light (2020-)
OEM rearview camera integrated in the brake light for IVECO Daily (2022-) cars with a ...
BC DOKKER Rearview camera in brakelight, Renault Express VAN
OEM Rearview camera integrated in the brake light, for Renault Express VAN and Dacia Dokker vehicles.
BT-785 contactless remote control
New design contactless remote with more durable plastic case for Pandora systems.
BT-775 contactless remote control
New design contactless remote with more durable plastic case for Pandora systems.
DMS-101 2 SIDE black double-sided sticker for the Pandora DMS-101BT sensor
Double-sided sticker for Pandora DMS-101BT sensor.
DMS-101 2 SIDE WHITE double-sided sticker for Pandora sensor DMS-101BT
Double-sided sticker for Pandora DMS-101BT sensor.
DMS MAGNET extra strong magnet for installing Pandora DMS 100/101 sensors
Extra strong magnetic component for easier mounting of Pandora wireless DMS sensors.
DMS HOLDER WHITE set of white plastic adapters for installing Pandora DMS sensors
Set of white plastic adapters designed for easier mounting of Pandora DMS-100 ...
DMS HOLDER set of black plastic adapters for installing Pandora DMS sensors
Set of black plastic adapters designed for easier mounting of Pandora DMS-100 BT / DMS -101 BT ...
BIKE SENSOR wireless bike security sensor
The wireless sensor for Pandora systems designed for bicycle security detects vibrations, tilt changes or tampering attempts. This sensor can instantly detect any ...
GSWF BLACK PPF paint protection film, glossy, black
The GSWF BLACK PPF film aesthetically transforms the vehicle's paint color to a glossy black finish while providing ...
PANDORA BOX elegant box for Pandora alarm components
This stylish box is designed for the convenient and secure handover of key fobs and remote controls after installing a ...
LED D1S Replacement LED bulbs for D1S/D1R headlights
Switch to D1S LED instead of D1S xenon (HID TO LED). With LED bulbs, you get a longer lifespan, luminosity, resistance ...
LED D2S Replacement LED bulbs for D2S/D2R headlights
Switch to D2S LED instead of D2S xenon (HID TO LED). With LED bulbs, you get a longer lifespan, luminosity, resistance ...
LED D3S Replacement LED bulbs for D3S headlights
Switch to D3S LED instead of D3S xenon (HID TO LED). With LED bulbs, you get a longer lifespan, luminosity, resistance ...
LED D4S Replacement LED bulbs for D4S/D4R headlights
Switch to D4S LED instead of D4S xenon (HID TO LED). With LED bulbs, you get a longer lifespan, luminosity, resistance ...
CAL-7551047 Antenna rod AM/FM/DAB
Spare antenna rod for AM/FM/DAB antennas in the rear part of the roof, M5, 39cm.
JS16 Jump starter emergency start kit 16.000 mAh
Starter kit of 16.000 mAh cacacity will help you to start a vehicle, also serves as a power bank for USB charging or a ...
Pandora PRIMO W-O TAGS car alarm
Pandora PRIMO without tags is an upgraded car alarm with Bluetooth 5.0. wireless technology controlled by smartphone app. The latest generation 3D acceleration ...
Pandora R-500 BT bluetooth remote control
Remote control with Bluetooth technology for controlling Pandora systems.
Keetec RF SMART BT bluetooth authorization module
Keetec RF SMART BT is an additional module to the BLADE Keetec car alarm, which serves for comfortable user ...
KEMO M069N ultrasonic repeller for moles and voles
The M069N ultrasonic repeller generates intense seismic vibrations at short time intervals that efficiently pass through ...
Keetec CV SMART 2 replacement cover for the controller
Replacement cover for the CV SMART 2 controller.
Steelmate PTS411EX BTI SILVER parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver flush sensors 16mm black sensors ...
Steelmate PTS411M7 BTI SILVER parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver flush sensors 16mm and Display ...
Battery Guard 12V/24V M148-24
Battery guard for 12V or 24V batteries, it will disconnect electrical appliances such as coolers, heaters, televisions, additional lights, and the external subwoofer, etc. Appliance will be switched on automatically again, after the battery ...
Pandora SSU SMART V3 control unit with plastic card
SMART V3 control unit with a plastic card serving as a spare part. Pandora SMART is an ultimate OEM key solution with ...
DVS2 STICKER „Blind Spot“ 3pcs
Warning stickers, intended for trucks, 3 pcs (use: in England for London - DVS2 system).
Pandora DMS-101BT WHITE bluetooth magnetic sensor white
Wireless sensor designed for Pandora systems designed to identify the violation of a protected zone located at a greater ...
Pandora DMS-101BT bluetooth magnetic sensor black
Wireless sensor designed for Pandora systems designed to identify the violation of a protected zone located at a greater ...
PF-1655 Plastic frame 2DIN for VW Polo (2017-)
Plastic frame for 2DIN head units installation in VW Polo (17-) and VW T6 (20-) cars.
Pandora PIR-100BT WHITE M wireless infrared motion and shock detector
Wireless infrared detector PIR-100BT WHITE M for motion and shock detection for Pandora ...
Pandora PIR-100BT M wireless infrared motion and shock detector
Wireless infrared detector PIR-100BT M for motion and shock detection for Pandora systems. It ...
Pandora PIR-100BT WHITE wireless infrared motion detector
Wireless infrared detector PIR-100BT WHITE for motion detection for Pandora systems. It is designed for remote detection ...
Pandora PIR-100BT wireless infrared motion detector
Wireless infrared detector PIR-100BT for motion detection for Pandora systems. It is designed for remote detection of ...
SD CARD 512GB Kingston Micro SD with adapter
Mikro SDHC / SDXC UHS-I U3, 512GB (rýchlostná trieda 10) umožňujú čítanie rýchlosťou až 100MB/s a zápis až 85MB/s.
CAMPER ROLL BANNER EU advertising banner
Advertising banner for CAMPER PRO product presentation.
Advertising banner for SMART MOTO product presentation.
PANDORA DEALER SIGN EU table authorized dealer, 49x49cm.
Table authorized dealer of the PANDORA brand, 49x49cm.
Table authorized dealer of the KEETEC brand, 49x49cm.
KEETEC LP COVER BLACK advertising board with logo for the license plate
Advertising board with the KEETEC logo for the license plate, black, 520x110mm.
KEETEC LP COVER WHITE advertising board with logo for the license plate
Advertising board with the KEETEC logo for the number plate, white, 520x110mm.
BLADE ROLL BANNER advertising banner
Advertising banner for BLADE product presentation.
RIDER ROLL BANNER Advertising banner
Advertising banner for RIDER product presentation.
SNIPER MAX ROLL BANNER advertising banner
Advertising banner for SNIPER MAX product presentation.
CAR REMOTE Remote control wired 5m, for inverters
The remote control enables the inverter to be turned on and off at a distance of 5 meters (cable length), it is only ...
MY1082 Voltmeter, 6-30V, blue LED
The on-board voltmeter is used to prevent battery failures and to check the charging of a vehicle with an on-board voltage of 12/24V. The voltmeter gives you ...
Pandora DMS-100BT WHITE magnetic sensor
Wireless magnetic sensor for Pandora systems in white.
PF-2815 D Plastic frame 1DIN/2DIN, VW Crafter (17-)
Plastic frame for car audio 1DIN/2DIN size, for VW Crafter II (2017-), VW Grand California (2017-), MAN TGE (2017-) ...
SWC FV 23 Steering wheel control adapter Transit, Transit Custom (18-)
Steering wheel control adapter for Ford Transit MK8 facelift, Transit-Custom MK1 facelift (18-) ...
SWC IV 07 Steering wheel control adapter Iveco Daily (20-)
Steering wheel control adapter for Iveco Daily vehicles (2020-).
BCA-DUCATO Module for OEM camera, Ducato 2021
OEM Reversing camera retention module, specially designed for use on the Fiat Ducato Series 8 (2021-). This easy-to-install plug-and-play product allows users to ...
Keetec RIDER contactless immobilizer for blocking the START/STOP button
The Keetec RIDER is a brand new anti-theft device in the vehicle security segment. The ...
Pandora BT-780 LID replacement battery cover for the BT-780 remote control
Replacement battery cover for the BT-780 remote control.
JS12 Jump starter emergency start kit 12.000 mAh
Starter kit of compact dimensions that will help you to start a vehicle, also serves as a power bank for USB charging or ...
Keetec SIREN module
SIREN MODUL identifies the original alarm for use with GPS locator KEETEC SNIPER. The module is used with original car alarms and car alarms with coded sirens that have no output for pager with additional equipment such as GSM pager, GPS locator.
In stock
BT-780 TOOL for changing the battery in the authorization tag
Tool for changing the battery in the authorization tag BT-780.
Keetec TAXI CAN speed converter from OBD2 socket
The KEETEC TAXI CAN module is designed for vehicles equipped with CAN bus and OBD2 standard supported and 12V power ...
CAR1200-24V Voltage inverter from 24V to 230V + USB, 1200W
Power Inverter 1200W suitable for vehicles with 24V on-board network (trucks), for appliances 230V powered, such as ...
CAR2412-10 Switched voltage inverter from 24V to 12V, 10A
DC voltage converter 24V to 12V, with a maximum load of 10A / 120W.
CAR2412-05 Switched voltage inverter from 24V to 12V, 5A
DC voltage converter 24V to 12V, with a maximum load of 5A / 60W.
CAR2000-S Voltage inverter pure sinus, from 12V to 230V, USB, 2000W
Sine Inverter 2000W suitable for vehicles with 12V on-board network (VANs, passanger cars), for ...
CAR1600-24V Voltage inverter from 24V to 230V + USB, 1600W
Power Inverter 1600W suitable for vehicles with 24V on-board network (trucks), for appliances 230V powered, such as ...
CAR1600 Voltage inverter from 12V to 230V + USB, 1600W
Power Inverter 1600W suitable for vehicles with 12V on-board network (VANs, passanger cars), for appliances 230V ...
CAR1200 Voltage inverter from 12V to 230V + USB, 1200W
Power Inverter 1200W suitable for vehicles with 12V on-board network (VANs, passanger cars), for appliances 230V ...
CAR600-D Voltage inverter from 12V to 230V, USB, 600W, display
Power Inverter 600W suitable for vehicles with 12V on-board network (VANs, passanger cars), for ...
CAR600 Voltage inverter from 12V to 230V, USB, 600W
Power Inverter 600W suitable for vehicles with 12V on-board network (VANs, passanger cars), for small appliances 230V ...
CAR3000-24V Voltage inverter from 24V to 230V + USB, 3000W
Power Inverter 3000W suitable for vehicles with 24V on-board network (trucks), for appliances 230V powered, such as ...
CAR300 Voltage inverter from 12V to 230V, USB, 300W
Power Inverter 300W suitable for vehicles with 12V on-board network (VANs, passanger cars), for small appliances 230V ...
SWC KIA 13 Steering wheel control adapter Rio, Sportage (17-21)
Adaptér ovládania na volante pre vozidlá Kia (2017-)
Pandora CAMPER alarm system for caravans
Pandora CAMPER is specially designed to protect your motorhome. The system provides reliable security of a cabin and living module due to an optimal set of ...
WL 072 Interior LED circular light with switch, 3.5W
Universal LED work light 3.5W, 12V, slim design. Designed for the interior use of VANs and commercial vehicles such as ...
WL 048 Indoor LED light circular, tiltable, 1.8W, 12/24V
Universal LED work light 1.8W, 12/24V, slim design. Designed for the interior use of VANs and commercial vehicles such ...
WL 021 Interior LED circular light, 10W, 12V
Universal LED work light 10W, 12V, slim design. Designed for the interior use of VANs and commercial vehicles such as ambulances, motorhomes, caravans, ...
TFT5A2 Monitor 5" AHD 2ch RCA 12/24V
Universal monitor with a 5" screen in diagonal, designed to display the video signal from parking camera. Now also AHD signal cameras supported! The monitor ...
TFT4A2 Monitor 4.3" 2ch RCA 12/24V
Universal monitor with a 4.3" screen in diagonal, designed to display the video signal from parking camera. The monitor contains two RCA video inputs. It can be ...
CL CABLE Power cable to CL slot
The power cable allows you to connect electrical accessories with a 5V power supply to a vehicle with an on-board voltage of 12/24V. Connection to the cigarette ...
M12-WAECO F Cable adapter for camera 4PIN-6PIN male female
The adapter enables connection of the 4PIN camera and oem monitor of some vehicles pre-prepared for the camera with a ...
Isotronic M405 Marten repeller for cars, 12kHz
High-frequency repellent (12kHz) of martens and rodents. It emits alternating ultra-high sound signals almost inaudible ...
Keetec TIL 500 tilt sensor
Tilt sensor is ideal for protecting a vehicle from theft by detecting when the vehicle is being raised by a tow truck or lifted using a jack, in an attempt to remove the wheels or tow the vehicle.
TI SP1 Air Compressor tire pump / Jump starter
Portable & cordless air compressor with accurate digital display will definitely simplify your life. More than a ...
Steelmate UC63M Charger USB-A & USB-C, 63W
Car charger for cigarette lighter USB-C + USB-A (5V/3A).
Steelmate UC30M Charger USB-A & USB-C, 30W
Car charger for cigarette lighter USB-C + USB-A, 4.8 A max. in total. Miniature design, the charger completely blends in and does not stick out of the cigarette ...
C22s Charging cable for electric cars, 1-phase, 32A/250V, 7.2kW
Charging cable for electric cars equipped with the type-2 connector, 1-phase, 32A/250V, 7.2kW.
MYP004 Panel for built-in charger, with double hole
Front panel - Double hole, designed for permanent installation of two USB chargers, or CL socket in the dashboard body. ...
MYP002 Panel for built-in charger, with single hole
Front panel - Single hole, designed for permanent installation of USB charger, or CL socket in the dashboard body. The ...
Neoline Qi C4 Phone holder for wireless charging
Phone holder for wireless charging. The holder allows wireless charging of a mobile device supporting Qi technology. 2 ...
TI PO8 Air Compressor tire pump / Power bank
Portable & cordless air compressor with accurate digital display will definitely simplify your life. More than a tire inflator, It’s also an 6000mAh battery ...
TI PO7 Air compressor tire pump
Portable air compressor with a precise digital display will make your life easier. Connecting to the vehicle's cigarette slot, the compressor includes the ...
Pandora CONTROL GSM / GPS device for remote control of independent heating
Pandora Control module is a perfect solution for the comfortable control of the engine ...
BC OPL-03 Rearview camera Opel Astra K (17-)
OEM colour parking camera to install into the rear licence plate light body. There is a special place in the camera body assigned for the original light bulb. For ...
PF-1593 Plastic frame 2DIN round Fiat Ducato (21-)
Plastic frame for 2DIN car radio installation, for Fiat Ducato facelift (21-)
PF-2860 Plastic frame 1DIN/2DIN, Renault Master (20-)
Plastic frame 1DIN/2DIN for Renault Master (20-)
Keetec BS 420 LED IB parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 flush sensors 16mm and LED display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec BS 420 LED OEM parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 adjustable flush sensors 16mm and LED display. Dual intelligent functions for cars ...
Keetec BS 420 LED S parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver sensors and LED display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec BS 420 LED W parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 white sensors and LED display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Keetec BS 420 LED parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 black sensors and LED display. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
PF-1969 plastic frame 2DIN 2ISO
Installation kit for 2DIN car multimedia into the 2ISO mounting hole (Aperturte Size - 173 x 97mm, Outer Size - 188 x 117mm).
BT-A2DP VW 18 Bluetooth Audio Adapter
Bluetooth audio module for VOLKSWAGEN cars with oem MFD2, RNS2 radio, allows wireless music streaming from your mobile phone to the original car radio.
CAL-7667013 Calearo antenna spheric base AM-FM DAB flexi
Calearo AM-FM / DAB-DAB + universal antenna for use in the roof or on the fender of a car.
SD CARD 256GB Micro SD with adapter
Powerful microSD card suitable for smartphones, tablets, cameras and drones.
BC MIT-L200 Rearview camera in the door handle (2008-2016)
OEM Rearview camera designed for installation into the handle of the 5-door opening Mitsubishi L200 (2008-2016).
SWC CONN KENWOOD lead connection cable
Prepojovací kábel adaptérov ovládania na volante (Connects2) pre autorádiá Kenwood s kruhovým konektorom.
PF-2841 D Plastic frame 2DIN, Renault Master III. (2020-)
2DIN plastic frame for Renault Master III car radios. (2020-)
Pandora BT-02 The wireless relay
Universal, dual relay, equipped with Bluetooth communication. Designed for use with Pandora systems, but also as a standalone device controlled by a free mobile ...
PF-2854 D Plastic frame 2DIN, Fiat Ducato (21-)
Plastic frame 2DIN, Fiat Ducato (21-).
Keetec BS 420 IS parking assistant
Parking assistant KEETEC with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver flush sensors 16mm and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with ...
CAL-7131041 Calearo Adapter FME m MMCX m 90° 0.15m
Adapter FME m MMCX m 90° 0.15m.
CAL-7131050 Calearo Hole adapter for SHARK2 FCA 2012-
Hole adapter for SHARK2 FCA 2012-.
CAL-7131052 Calearo Hole adapter for SHARK2 Opel 2009-
Hole adapter for SHARK2 Opel 2009-.
M12 1m FF Cable for monitor and DVR 2x 4PIN female
The cable allows you to connect two devices that both have M12 male connectors, such as a monitor and a recording device ...
M12 1m Camera cable 4PIN female-male
Cable enables the camera / monitor connection, transmits signal to monitor and power to camera, 1 meter lenght, screw connectors M12 4PIN male and female.
CAL-7132078 Calearo Cable RG174 for FAKRA f ISO f 0.5m distributor
Cable RG174 for FAKRA f ISO f 0.5m distributor.
CAL-7561003 Calearo Diplexer VHF -> AM / FM for taxi antennas
Diplexer VHF -> AM / FM for taxi antennas.
CAL-7561013 Calearo Extension cable AM FM phantom FAKRA f DIN m 7m
Extension cable AM FM phantom FAKRA f DIN m 7m.
CAL-7581014 Calearo Extension cable RG174 FAKRA f SMB f 9m
Extension cable RG174 FAKRA f SMB f 9m.
CAL-7581059 Calearo Adapter AM FM ISO f DIN m 0.24m active phantom
Adapter AM FM ISO f DIN m 0.24m active phantom
CAL-7581105 Calearo Adapter RG174 FME m FAKRA90 ° f 0.2m BMW
Adapter RG174 FME m FAKRA90 ° f 0.2m BMW.
CAL-7581109 Calearo Adapter GPS SMB m SMA m 0.12m
Adapter GPS SMB m SMA m 0.12m.
CAL-7581116 Calearo Extension cable RG58 FAKRA f FME f 5m
Extension cable RG58 FAKRA f FME f 5m.
CAL-7581122 Calearo Adapter GSM FME m FAKRA f 0.2m
Adapter GSM FME m FAKRA f 0.2m.
CAL-7581123 Calearo Adapter GPS SMB m FAKRA f 0.2m
Adapter GPS SMB m FAKRA f 0.2m.
CAL-7581147 Calearo Extension cable DAB FAKRA f waterproof SMB f 3.5m
Extension cable DAB FAKRA f waterproof SMB f 3.5m.
CAL-7581187 Calearo Extension cable AM FM 75Ohm FAKRA f DIN m 7m
Extension cable AM FM 75Ohm FAKRA f DIN m 7m.
PF-2046 Plastic frame 1DIN Volvo (07-11)
Plastic frame for installing 1DIN car head units in Volvo cars
SWC VW 18 Steering wheel control adapter Golf7
Steering wheel control adapter for VW Golf 7 and Polo cars with MIB platform without active audio system.
PF-2458 D Plastic Frame 2DIN Honda CR-V III. (07-12)
Plastic frame 2DIN for Honda CR-V III. (06-12)
CAL-7137134 Calearo DAB glass antenna active 3.5 m
DAB glass antenna active 3.5m.
PF-2997 F Plastic frame Škoda Octavia II (08-13) manual ACC
Plastic frame for Škoda Octavia II after facelift (08-13) with manual air conditioning, for oem head units.
CAL-7727083 Calearo Antenna Shark2 AM FM DTT GNSS active
Antenna Shark2 AM FM DTT GNSS active.
CAL-7750004 Calearo GNSS magnetic and self-adhesive antenna SMB f
GNSS magnetic and self-adhesive antenna SMB f.
CAL-7771002 Calearo Antenna 16V VHF 5.0m cable
Universal 60° roof antenna for radios operating in the VHF band
CAL-7771001 Calearo Antenna UHF GNSS 5.0m cable
Combined universal roof antenna 60° for radios operating in the UHF band and GPS navigation
CAL-7771004 Calearo Antenna 16V UHF GNSS GPRS 5.0m cable
Antenna 16V UHF GNSS GPRS 5.0m cable.
CAL-7562019 Calearo GPS signal splitter active phantom
GPS signal splitter active phantom.
CAL-7581072 Calearo Adapter FAKRA m SMB f 90° 0.15m
Adapter FAKRA m SMB f 90° 0.15m.
CAL-7581162 Calearo Adapter AM FM 2xFAKRA f 1.2m FCA, PSA, Ford
Adaptér AM FM 2xFAKRA f 1.2m FCA, PSA, Ford.
CAL-7581165 Calearo Adapter AM FM FAKRA f DIN m 0.15m
Adapter AM FM FAKRA f DIN m 0.15m.
CAL-7677155 Calearo Antenna AM FM telescopic electric active
Antenna AM FM telescopic electric active.
CAL-7677815 Calearo Shark2 AM FM DAB antenna active
Shark2 AM FM DAB antenna active.
CAL-7677840 Calearo Antenna 16V AM FM DAB GNSS active
Antenna 16V AM FM DAB GNSS active.
CAL-7677830 Calearo Shark2 AM FM antenna active
Shark2 AM FM antenna active.
CAL-7677855 Calearo Short antenna AM FM DAB active
Short antenna AM FM DAB active.
CAL-7677845 Calearo Antenna short AM FM DAB GNSS active
Antenna short AM FM DAB GNSS active.
CAL-7677872 Calearo Antenna 16V AM FM active phantom
Antenna 16V AM FM active phantom.
CAL-7677880 Calearo Antenna 16V AM FM 76 ° active
Antenna 16V AM FM 76 ° active.
CAL-7677925 Calearo Glass antenna AM FM DAB active phantom
Glass antenna AM FM DAB active phantom.
CAL-7677955 Calearo AM FM DAB foil antenna active phantom
AM FM DAB foil antenna active phantom.
Pandora TRACER GPS locator
Pandora TRACER online GPS locator with integrated 4G LTE modem, Bluetooth 5.0 interface, backup battery and 3D acceleration chip. Power supply 12V/24V.
SW IMP Pulse switch with LED backlight, green, 19mm
Pulse switch, green backlight, with cable and connector, 19mm. The package includes a 1.5m cable with a 4-pin connector
T PROG programmer
Programming cable for set up the car alarm KEETEC T GSM/ TS CAN via USB (PC software).
Pandora LED/VALET v2 valet button
Valet button with signaling LED for Pandora systems with 3-meter cable.
Steelmate EXT CABLE KIT extension cables
Steelmate set of extension cables A, B, C, D for parking assistant, 2.3 m.
KEMO M071N repellent 4 speakers 10-40kHz
M094N is a universal ultrasonic generator with 4 speakers suitable for larger spaces. Sends aggressively pulsating ultrasonic waves which animals perceive as very ...
Pandora TEMP SENSOR 2P temperature sensor
Temperature sensor for Pandora systems with 2-pin connector.
Steelmate PTS411EX SILVER parking assistant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver sensors and buzzer. Dual intelligent functions for cars with tow-bar, ...
Steelmate PTS411M21 WHITE parking assitant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 white sensors and Display M21. Antihook function for cars with tow-bar, spare ...
Steelmate PTS411M21 SILVER parking assitant
Parking assistant STEELMATE with the option to install as Rear or Front, with 4 silver sensors and Display M21. Antihook function for cars with tow-bar, spare ...